Monday, February 22, 2010


I've been working on our fliers and logo for Vintage Sheets Collective. Ana has been busting away at our mission statement and I'm so excited about the future of this group.

Don't forget to sign up for our first class - soapmaking.

And our second class - learn to sew.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

my first class

(click picture to make larger/readable)


10:50pm cleaning up after a yummy dinner of fish tacos with friends

Thursday, February 18, 2010


6:53am home from work

8:44am going to work

2:19pm home from work

9:12pm going to work

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Everything is covered in a thick blanket of snow. Icicles hang from every edge. I can't even remember what the sun looks like. It's impossible to not feel a little lethargic and sad. It's easy to dream of hot summer days when things will be much better... and fast forward five months and I will all be complaining that it's too hot. This is the thing with living in a place with four seasons. You must embrace each one.

I try to enjoy every icy snowflake that falls on my face, and the way I sink through the ground with each step. I'm working on my first quilt and drinking lots of hot cocoa. Before long I will be trading my mittens and scarves for skirts and sandels, but not yet, for now I will enjoy this season.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


6:42pm best friends birthday

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I heart Columbus - On Paper

I love these little shops. The ones where you can tell the owners worked to create a little fantasy world. And although it's small it's easy for hours to pass while you sift through all the lovely things. Everything is tactile and unique and the girl behind the counter quickly becomes a friend. Oh and how can anyone leave with just one thing? Not possible. You leave with a stack.

(first two pictures via yelp)


3:43am knitting away the third shift blues

2:22pm so....much...snow

2:23pm soup to keep warm

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


10:12 am a very good way to start a very busy day

12:49 pm walk or drive to work? (i drove)

Monday, February 8, 2010


10:24am fighting over the last drop of milk

Vintage Sheets Collective kick off

Our first event went really well and I'm super excited to start our classes. You can see more pictures at our Vintage Sheets Collective blog.